mercoledì 5 ottobre 2016

(Lc 11,5-13) Chiedete e vi sarà dato.

(Lc 11,5-13) Chiedete e vi sarà dato.
+ Dal Vangelo secondo Luca
In quel tempo, Gesù disse ai discepoli:
«Se uno di voi ha un amico e a mezzanotte va da lui a dirgli: “Amico, prestami tre pani, perché è giunto da me un amico da un viaggio e non ho nulla da offrirgli”, e se quello dall’interno gli risponde: “Non m’importunare, la porta è già chiusa, io e i miei bambini siamo a letto, non posso alzarmi per darti i pani”, vi dico che, anche se non si alzerà a darglieli perché è suo amico, almeno per la sua invadenza si alzerà a dargliene quanti gliene occorrono.
Ebbene, io vi dico: chiedete e vi sarà dato, cercate e troverete, bussate e vi sarà aperto. Perché chiunque chiede riceve e chi cerca trova e a chi bussa sarà aperto.
Quale padre tra voi, se il figlio gli chiede un pesce, gli darà una serpe al posto del pesce? O se gli chiede un uovo, gli darà uno scorpione? Se voi dunque, che siete cattivi, sapete dare cose buone ai vostri figli, quanto più il Padre vostro del cielo darà lo Spirito Santo a quelli che glielo chiedono!».
Parola del Signore

Aiutami a capire Signore, come vivere in totalità la tua parola.
Cerco di immaginare come a quei tempi vivesse la gente.
Non credo poi tanto diversamente da oggi,forse con più difficoltà nel reperire ciò che serviva, perchè il progresso ha sicuramente facilitato la vita di tutti.
Oggi si prende la macchina e si va a comperare di tutto e di più nei centri
all’ epoca era facile che qualcuno bussasse per chiedere ospitalità od altro, come era normale considerando le regole del buon vicinato.
Oggi che tutto dovrebbe essere in teoria più facile, è, al contrario, più complicato poter instaurare buoni rapporti.
“Non importunarmi” risponde l’ interpellato, che il richiedente credeva “amico”.
Quante volte noi crediamo di avere un amico che poi non si comporta come tale!
Ma qui dobbiamo valutare anche un’altra cosa quanto è vero ed importante il nostro bisogno?
Non so a quanti sia capitato di aver veramente bisogno anche del necessario... spero a pochi, ma è chiaro che la necessità si impone sull’orgoglio, e quando se ne ha bisogno si cerca, si insiste e si continua a crcare fino a che non si ottiene, perchè quello che cerchiamo non è in più, ma necessario.
L’amico a volte ha i suoi limiti e noi i nostri, perchè la nostra umanità è in se stessa un limite, ma il Signore non ha limiti!
Egli ha dato la vita per noi, non c’è nulla che non possa fare... quindi insisteremo, persevereremo nella preghiera se avremo abbastanza fede, perchè niente è impossibile al nostro Dio.
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3 commenti:

    Liturgical day: Thursday 27th in Ordinary Time
    Gospel text (Lc 11,5-13): Jesus said to his disciples, «Suppose one of you has a friend and goes to his house in the middle of the night and says: ‘Friend, lend me three loaves, for a friend of mine who is traveling has just arrived and I have nothing to offer him’. Maybe your friend will answer from inside: ‘Don't bother me now; the door is locked and my children and I are in bed, so I can't get up and give you anything’. But I tell you, even though he will not get up and attend to you because you are a friend, yet he will get up because you are a bother to him, and he will give you all you need.
    And so I say to you, Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For the one who asks receives, and the one who searches finds, and to him who knocks the door will be opened. If your child asks for a fish, will you give a snake instead? And if your child asks for an egg, will you give a scorpion? Even you evil people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more then will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those who ask him!».
    Help me to understand the Lord as totally live your word.
    I try to imagine how people lived in those days.
    Not that I think differently than today, perhaps with more difficulty in finding what I needed, because progress has certainly made life easier for everyone.
    Today we take the car and you go to buy it all and more in the malls ... but at times it was easier to ask someone knocked hospitality or other, as was normal considering the good neighbor rules.
    Today all that should be easier to theory, it is, on the contrary, more complicated to establish a good relationship.
    "Do not bother me," replies the requested, the applicant believed "friend".
    How many times we think we have a friend who then does not behave like this!
    But here we must also consider another thing that is true and important to our need?
    I do not know how it happened that I actually also need the necessary ... I hope a few, but it is clear that the need is imposed on pride, and when you need it you try, you insist and continue until crcare we do not get, because what we seek is not more, but necessary.
    The friend sometimes has its limits and we ours, because our humanity is in itself a limit, but the Lord has no limits!
    He gave his life for us, there is not nothing I can not do ... so we will insist, persevere in prayer if we have enough faith, because nothing is impossible to our God.

    Liturgical day: Thursday 27th in Ordinary Time
    Gospel text (Lc 11,5-13): Jesus said to his disciples, «Suppose one of you has a friend and goes to his house in the middle of the night and says: ‘Friend, lend me three loaves, for a friend of mine who is traveling has just arrived and I have nothing to offer him’. Maybe your friend will answer from inside: ‘Don't bother me now; the door is locked and my children and I are in bed, so I can't get up and give you anything’. But I tell you, even though he will not get up and attend to you because you are a friend, yet he will get up because you are a bother to him, and he will give you all you need.
    And so I say to you, Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For the one who asks receives, and the one who searches finds, and to him who knocks the door will be opened. If your child asks for a fish, will you give a snake instead? And if your child asks for an egg, will you give a scorpion? Even you evil people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more then will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those who ask him!».
    Help me to understand the Lord as totally live your word.
    I try to imagine how people lived in those days.
    Not that I think differently than today, perhaps with more difficulty in finding what I needed, because progress has certainly made life easier for everyone.
    Today we take the car and you go to buy it all and more in the malls ... but at times it was easier to ask someone knocked hospitality or other, as was normal considering the good neighbor rules.
    Today all that should be easier to theory, it is, on the contrary, more complicated to establish a good relationship.
    "Do not bother me," replies the requested, the applicant believed "friend".
    How many times we think we have a friend who then does not behave like this!
    But here we must also consider another thing that is true and important to our need?
    I do not know how it happened that I actually also need the necessary ... I hope a few, but it is clear that the need is imposed on pride, and when you need it you try, you insist and continue until crcare we do not get, because what we seek is not more, but necessary.
    The friend sometimes has its limits and we ours, because our humanity is in itself a limit, but the Lord has no limits!
    He gave his life for us, there is not nothing I can not do ... so we will insist, persevere in prayer if we have enough faith, because nothing is impossible to our God.


    Jour liturgique : Temps ordinaire - 27e Semaine: Jeudi Texte de l'Évangile (Lc 11,5-13): Jésus leur dit encore: «Supposons que l'un de vous ait un ami et aille le trouver en pleine nuit pour lui demander: ‘Mon ami, prête-moi trois pains: un de mes amis arrive de voyage, et je n'ai rien à lui offrir’. Et si, de l'intérieur, l'autre lui répond: ‘Ne viens pas me tourmenter! Maintenant, la porte est fermée; mes enfants et moi, nous sommes couchés. Je ne puis pas me lever pour te donner du pain’, moi, je vous l'affirme: même s'il ne se lève pas pour les donner par amitié, il se lèvera à cause du sans-gêne de cet ami, et il lui donnera tout ce qu'il lui faut. »Eh bien, moi, je vous dis: Demandez, vous obtiendrez; cherchez, vous trouverez; frappez, la porte vous sera ouverte. Celui qui demande reçoit; celui qui cherche trouve; et pour celui qui frappe, la porte s'ouvre. Quel père parmi vous donnerait un serpent à son fils qui lui demande un poisson? ou un scorpion, quand il demande un oeuf? Si donc vous, qui êtes mauvais, vous savez donner de bonnes choses à vos enfants, combien plus le Père céleste donnera-t-il l'Esprit Saint à ceux qui le lui demandent!».


    PRIERE : Aide-moi à comprendre Seigneur, comment vivre en totalité ta Parole. Je cherche à imaginer comment en ces temps là, les gens vécurent. Et puis, je ne crois pas que s'était si différemment d'aujourd'hui, peut-être avec plus de difficultés à trouver à quoi cela servait, parce que le progrès a sûrement facilité la vie de tous.

    - Aujourd'hui, nous prenons la voiture et nous allons acheter tout et plus encore, dans les centres commerciaux ... mais à l"époque tout était facile pour demander à quelqu'un l'hospitalité ou autre, cela été normal étant donné les bonnes règles de voisinage. Aujourd'hui que tout devrait être en théorie plus facile, c'est, au contraire, plus compliqué de pouvoir instaurer de bons rapports.
    "Ne m'importuner pas" répond l'interpellé, que le requérant prenait pour " son ami." Combien de fois nous croyons avoir un "amis" qui ensuite ne se comporte pas comme tels! Mais ici, il faut aussi considérer une autre chose combien est vrai et important à notre besoins?
    Je ne sais pas à combien de gens il est arrivé d'avoir aussi vraiment besoin du nécessaire... j'espère à peu, mais il est clair que la nécessité s'impose sur l'orgueil, et quand on en a besoin on le cherche, on insiste et on continue à créer jusqu'à qu'on n'obtient pas, parce que ce que nous cherchons n'est pas en plus, mais est nécessaire. L'ami a parfois ses limites et nous les nôtres, parce que notre humanité est en elle-même une limite, mais le Seigneur n'a pas de limites!
    Il a donné sa vie pour nous, il n'y a rien qu'il ne peut pas faire ... donc nous allons insister, persévérer dans la prière si nous avons assez de foi, parce que rien n'est impossible à notre Dieu.
